Y & Mitochondrial are totally useless for that sort of thing.
You want a company that uses Autosomal DNA. Don't go to Ancestry.Com's, The National Geographic or FamilyTreeDNA.. FamilyTree does do Autosomal testing but they will not give you an analysis. I had to send my results from FamilyTreeDNA to DNATribes to get the analysis.
When you go into their website, if you go under "feedback" there is a way you can email them and ask questions.
They will not tell you that you are 1/2 of something, 1/4 of something else and 1/4 of another something else. The same DNA crosses national, racial and ethnic boundaries.
What they will do is match you with population groups throughout the world. They will give you your top matches. Then they will break it down starting with the top as Northwestern European, Eastern European, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, North Ameridian, etc. They will not show it in matter of percentages and fractions but will start with the top matches and work down.
You get your Autosomal 50-50 from both parents. However, when you get back to your grandparents it is not necessarly a 25-25-25-25
breakdown. You get 50% from your paternal grandparents and 50% from your maternal grandparents but it is not even steven between your grandmother and grandfather in either case and will vary in how it lands in you and your siblings.
One chromosome each which you get from your parents is made up of your Y & Mitochondrial DNA. That is the DNA that determines your sex.
The other 22 each is made up of your Autosomal DNA and it is the DNA that pretty much determines your genetic pattern.
I asked DNATribes if my sister with whom I share both parents had the same Autosomal test
would her results be the same and they replied.
"Two siblings will each obtain unique results. Family members do typically share some regional or ethnic genetic affiliations, but in some cases matches can vary substantially between siblings."
Also I had found a link where it stated you don't get your Autosomal 50-50 from both parents and I asked a question on the 'Biology board and
I got this response:
"Actually, you do inherit your autosomal DNA 50-50 from each parent. That site is wrong.
"Your mother's egg contributes one set of 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome (an X). Your father's sperm contributes the other set of 22 autosomes, and another sex chromosome (either an X or a Y).
"Where the 50-50 part breaks down is when you pass on your DNA to your children. Each of your children will get half their DNA from you, but they won't necessarily get an equal mix of what you inherited from your parents. They could inherit a more from your mother, through you, and less from your father, or vice versa.
"Another way to look at it: you inherited 50% of your autosomal DNA from each parent, but you didn't necessarily inherit exactly 25% from each grandparent. Your maternal grandparents contributed exactly 50% in total, but it could be biased in favor of either your maternal grandmother or your maternal grandfather. Same goes for your paternal grandparents.
"When you take one of those DNA tests, which markers they find depend on which ones you inherited through your mother and father, and that will be different between you and your siblings (assuming no identical twins). If one of your grandparents is Dutch, and another is Polish, you might happen to inherit more markers that the test considers NW Eur., and your sister might happen to inherit more that are considered E Eur. In most cases, that will just be a random chance. Also, just because you have more markers that the test considers NW Eur, doesn't necessarily mean you really are "more" NW Eur. in any real sense."
PhD in molecular biology
Here is another link which can be helfpul.
Now, I can see where results from 2 different companies will also vary if one does not have population samples the other has. I don't know of another company that does this type of Autosomal analysis.
The reason why you do not want to use a company that will only give you an analysis of Y & Mitochondrial is that they represent a very teeny weeny part of your ancestry. If you had both done they would right off the bat leave out your paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather. If you get back to your 6xgreat grandparents, you descend from 510 individuals. Y & Mitochondrial would leave out 494 of them.
One company that only uses Y & Mitochondrial advertises they will help you "discover your deep ancestral roots." It is true in those 2 lines only they will take you back to your nomadic ancestors going back thousands of years. But you come from a myriad of family lines.
One tried to spin me and tell me the only time a person would want to have the Autosomal tested for regiona/ethnic background is if your are biracial. That is a lot of malarky.