Whether you are applying for a United States visa, Green Card, citizenship, passport, or just need to renew your Green Card, it is crucial to file your application with the MOST CURRENT form. Applications submitted on an EXPIRED or OUTDATED form may result in DENIAL of your application. U.S. Immigration Support offers the latest U.S. immigration forms for instant download.
Form DS-10 is required to be completed and submitted by a U.S. citizen who can confirm the birth of the applicant. The purpose of Form DS-10 to prove that the applicant was born in the United States, but that an official birth certificate cannot be obtained. Form DS 10 may also be submitted together with other birth records. Although not required, it is preferred that Form DS-0010 is filed by an older blood relative or the attending physician. Individuals that do not provide correct information may face consequences of a denied United States passport, fines and/or imprisonment.
Total: $29.95 --Form DS-10, Birth Affidavit--to enter credit card billing info.
[Don't have a Credit Card? Pay with a Check or Money Order!
The quickest and most convenient way to order U.S. immigration applications is online. However, you may also order immigration applications by mail. Mail orders are ideal for applicants who don't have a credit card, as the payment can be submitted by check or money order. Click Here to download the Mail Order Form. ]--
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