Ancestry.Com is a great site for the amount of records they have online but be wary very wary of Information in family trees on ANY website, free or fee. The trees are submitted by folks like you and me, the subscribers. Yes, yes, yes there are errors. Even when you see the absolute same information on the same people from many different subscribers that doesn't mean for one moment the information is correct. Too many people copy without verifying. Actually if you find any of your family in one of the online trees and it is wrong, those that run the websites will tell you that is between you and the other subscriber.
Ancestry.Com has 4 family tree programs.
1. Their old Ancestry World Tree program which can no longer be updated
2. One World Tree which is trash. When they set it up they took information people had submitted to their old Ancestry World Tree program and combined all the different information people had on the same person but I have found at least twice where they have combined 2 people into one.
3.PUblic Member Trees
4. Private Member Trees.
With both public member and private member they make it easy for you to bring forth records and documents they have on their website. They actually give you hints of records but it takes some discretion on the subscriber to look at the record closely and make sure if it on the same person.
Now Ancestry.Com has lots of records. That is why I like it. When I go into their website I click on Search at the top and on the next screen I click on "Old Search" which I feel is for more functional but not as pretty and neat as their New Search. Many public libraries have a subscription to it their patrons can use for free.
They have
All the U. S. censuses through 1930. The 1940 and later are not available to the public yet.
Vital Records from many U. S. states. You can actually view and print off copies of original North Carolina death certificates through 1975. I don't know if they have any other states.
Immigration Records. I have a friend who has made numerous trips to the National Archives in Washington, D. C. Her mother came from Calabria and her father came from Sicily. She says Ancestry.Com now has all the records on her family that the National Archives has.
They have many old U.S. newspapers online. I have found numerous obituaries on my paternal grandfather's family by perusing the San Antonio Express
Now no way are all records online but the ones you find will save you time and money.
Now a good free website which I also use is
This is the genealogy website of the Latter Day Saints(Mormon) Church. The Mormons have records on people all over the world, not just Mormons. Actually it would be wise to visit one of their Family History Centers. I have never had them to try and convert me nor have I heard of them doing that to anyone else that has used their resources. On the above website they are putting the records they have online and I believe once they are through they will blow all the other websites out of the water.
I fell in love with it when I found out I could view and print off original copies of Texas death certificates through 1976. I kept my printer busy for a long time.
Just understand good family history means good documentation. Someone else's family tree online or in a published book without good documentation is in itself poor documentation.
Edit: I might add that Ancestry.Com has transcribed the records but you can view the original images.
There are errors in their transcription, particularly censuses but when you view the originals you will pity the transcribers. Also you can make a correction and for instance if it is on a name they will correct their index to show the name as they had it originally and the name as the correction you made. Genealogy websites are not good to find Information on the living as that can be an invasion of privacy and can lead to identity theft.