Since you say that you want to delete a free family tree from Ancestry , I assume you are talking about what Ancestry calls a “Registered Guest” account.
Answer ID: 577
What is a "Registered Guest" account?
This article discusses the following:
* Overview of Guest registration
* Canceling a Registered Guest account
Overview of Guest registration
To use any of the features on Ancestry, a user must have at least a Guest registration. To create a registered guest account, click here. As a Registered Guest, a limited number of resources are available at no cost. These can be created by providing a first and last name and an email address. Registered Guest accounts have been put in place to allow members to:
1.Access certain free databases (1880 U.S. Federal Census Index; WWI Civilian Draft Registrations; and so forth)
2.Use the Personal Member Trees feature in any of the following ways.
*Build a personal member tree, whether from scratch or by uploading a GEDCOM file
*Share your Family Tree with family or friends
*View another user's Family Tree if you received an invitation from that tree's owner
*Respond to someone who contacted you, requesting permission to view your Family Tree
*View any record linked to a Family Tree to which you have been invited, provided the person owning that tree has some kind of paid account on Ancestry
*View any photos attached to a Family Tree that you have been invited to view
For more details on the Personal Member Tree, please click here.
3.Email members who have chosen to share their email address publicly. (For information about how publicly viewable email addresses differ from the Ancestry connection service, please click here.)
4.Respond to any email sent, even if sent via an anonymous user in the Connection Service.
5.Post messages on the Ancestry Message Boards (and otherwise participate in the general Ancestry Community).
6.Access valuable family history resources in the Ancestry Learning Center.
7.Download, install, and use the Family Tree Maker 2005 Starter Edition. (Click here to download this free software now.)
8.Get a free genealogy newsletter.
Canceling a Registered Guest account
Registered Guest accounts are designed to give unlimited access to free services provided by Ancestry; therefore, there is no need to cancel these accounts. When you have concluded using your Free Registered Guest account, simply discontinue use. You will not be charged any fees when accessing a Registered Guest account from Ancestry. Some participation on Ancestry may require a paid account. For additional details on the accounts available in your area (and to what those accounts provide access), please click here.
If you are looking for information on how to remove your email address from a current Registered Guest account on Ancestry, please click here.
If you are interested in finding information on canceling any Ancestry subscription to paid databases (whether you have a free trial or a paid account), please click here.
Note: We do not currently cancel Registered Guest accounts. free account&p_created=1013414400&p_sid=ZC86V-Xj&p_accessibility=&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Byb2RzPSZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9JnBfY3Y9JnBfcGFnZT0x&p_li=&p_topview=1