2007-10-28 15:14:57 UTC
by Mind Bender
I have been doing this seriously for 25 years. And do support many genealogy boards (just started supporting this one) because many experienced people helped me out when I first got started and quite frankly, it's fun. But my "circle" that I have been part of for these 25 years, just because of years passing, is getting smaller.
Does anyone know of a forum/board that is really geared for the very experienced genealogist. I've not been able to find one.
ANSWERS by zhou and guo:
Wendy suggested the Natl Gen Society. Other than that I know of no genealogical society or forum open to the general public. Other popular genealogy sites are quite for the newbies. Often, too, there are self-taught experts with no where to go. They must attend genealogical conferences and university functions to make any head way in their careers or past-time activities.
One could contribute one's knowledge to the community or
(to be contd)