Olivis Surname—Italian Origin
Spelling variations of this family name include: Oliva, Uliva, Olivo, Olivi, Ulivi, Olivella, Olivello, Ulivelli, Olivetta, Olivato, Olivott, Oliveti, Olivari and many more.
First found in Genoa a port on the Gulf of Genoa, capital of the province of Genoa. 4th century B.C it was occupied by the Greeks, destroyed by the Carthaginians in 209 B.C and restored by Rome who made it their headquarters. They survived the Lombard and Carolingan intrusions. Were well known for their naval prowess. Shipbuilding flourished in this natural sea port. Much migration took place to South America pre WWII. In those ancient times only persons of rank, the podesta, clergy, city officials, army officers, artists, landowners were entered into the records. To be recorded at this time, at the beginning of recorded history, was of itself a great distinction and indicative of noble ancestry. http://www.houseofnames.com/Olivis-family-crest
Olivo Name Meaning and History [A possible spelling variant of Olivis]
Spanish and Italian: topographic name from olivo ‘olive tree’, or occupational name for a seller of olives.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137- 4
Olivo Surname—Spanish Origin [A possible spelling variant of Olivis]
The distinguished surname Olivo, like many Spanish family names, is a proud sign of a rich and ancient ancestry. The earliest forms of hereditary surnames in Spain were the patronymic surnames, which are derived from the father's given name, and metronymic surnames, which are derived from the mother's given name. Spanish patronymic names emerged as early as the mid-9th century and were derived from a variety of given names that were of many different Origins.
Spelling variations of this family name include: Oliva, de Oliva, Olivas, Olivo, Olivos, Oliver, de Oliver, Olivé, Olive, Olivera, Oliveras, Olivero, Oliveros, de Oliveros, Olivérez, Oliverez, Olives, Olivar, Olivares and many more.
First found in Aragon, an important Christian kingdom of medieval Spain. http://www.houseofnames.com/olivo-family-crest
Olivo Surname—Italian Origin [A possible spelling variant of Olivis]
Spelling variations of this family name include: Oliva, Uliva, Olivo, Olivi, Ulivi, Olivella, Olivello, Ulivelli, Olivetta, Olivato, Olivott, Oliveti, Olivari and many more.
First found in Genoa a port on the Gulf of Genoa, capital of the province of Genoa. 4th century B.C it was occupied by the Greeks, destroyed by the Carthaginians in 209 B.C and restored by Rome who made it their headquarters. They survived the Lombard and Carolingan intrusions. Were well known for their naval prowess. Shipbuilding flourished in this natural sea port. Much migration took place to South America pre WWII. In those ancient times only persons of rank, the podesta, clergy, city officials, army officers, artists, landowners were entered into the records. To be recorded at this time, at the beginning of recorded history, was of itself a great distinction and indicative of noble ancestry. http://www.houseofnames.com/olivo-family-crest/Italian
Oliva Name Meaning and History [A possible spelling variant of Olivis]
1. Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese: habitational name from Oliva in Valencia, Santa Oliva in Girona, or possibly from any of the places in Extremadura named La Oliva, from Latin oliva ‘olive’.
2. Italian (mainly southern and Ligurian): from Latin oliva ‘olive’; a topographic name for someone who lived by an olive tree or grove, or a metonymic occupational name for a gatherer or seller of olives or an extractor or seller of olive oil, or perhaps in some cases a nickname for someone with a sallow complexion.
3. German: habitational name from Oliva, a place now in Gdansk voivodeship, Poland.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4
The Olivis surname is Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, German and possibly others and has many spelling variants which carry the same or similar meaning. The Olivis surname can mean someone who live by an olive tree or grove, for a gatherer of or seller of olives or an extractor of olive oil or perhaps a nickname for someone with a sallow complexion. The German variant Oliva is a habitational name for a place so called. To be certain of the origin of your Olivis surname you would need to research you ancestors and learn their origins.