Ashley Collins
2011-08-08 14:01:06 UTC
My grandmother's name is Amelia Crandall (her maiden name is Gallo)
She was born March 8, 1925 and she died February 28th, 2008.
Her spouse is Harlan Crandall.. he was adopted (I'd like to find out who is original family was, his original last name.. if possible)
He was born August 28th, 1915 and died June 20th, 2005.
The only info I was able to get was that my grandfather was born in California.
I know my grandma has a sister Anita and I THINK their fathers name was Giuseppe.
They come from Italy.
I need more information than this so if you can find anything from what I've given you, PLEASE this would really help me out a lot.
Thank you!!! :)