Define your ACTUAL GOAL.
DNA is a biological testing process, which gives you info about genetic background. It is comparatively new, maybe 10-20 years old. There are many commercial companies, and frankly, I have not tried any of them. Genetics isn't what I am searching for, because it is not genealogy. It tells you nothing about your actual ancestors..their names, their personalities, when/where they lived and died, etc. If YOU want "ancient" background without persons, then research what the process is, before plunking down your money.
A GENEALOGIST is someone who researches ancestry via documents and records. Those records have existed for hundreds of years, and involve specific persons. The "game" of genealogy is defining which records you need, to build your ancestral lineage. is a commercial site/company, and the marketing tends to hit newcomers, who want to type in their name and have an instant result of their family. Older researchers like myself, traced ancestors before the internet, and already know that online family trees are NOT DOCUMENTS. They are simply someone else's work, and often have huge mistakes. does have valuable resources such as original images of census, and many other records. There are thousands of free sites to find records..and not all records are online.
The regulars here are more than happy to explain the PROCESS of research.. what is a valid document, how to find them and tie them together. The method is basically simple.. start with you, and work backwards, be willing to take time to insure that your results are VERIFIABLE. An example of a record that is of value may be your grandparents death certificate. Your gr gr grandmother's tombstone. A court record in colonial Virginia where the heirs of John Smith disputed his will.
Once you have a better idea of your goal, browse through the solved questions to find applicable tips. Just wanting to explain the difference to you, then help you get going.